Live Tall: Sebastian Vos, Amsterdam

Visiting new countries can be exciting, exhilarating, empowering, overwhelming and scary all at once. It’s what makes it so memorable though. Amsterdam was the first stop on my mini Euro-Trip and I’ll certainly never forget it.


 Sebastian Vos, a tall young man living in Amsterdam and whom I had never met awaited me as I arrived at the hotel. After brief introductions we set out to find a location to begin our interview. It’s quite interesting how well you can get to know someone in the course of a day -Starting out in the morning as complete strangers and parting ways in the evening feeling like you’ve known that person for years.

I was grateful for everything I learned from Sebastian during the day we spent together, he acting as my tour guide, and me prodding him with questions while keeping a camera trained on him at all times. Everywhere we walked he would point out places of interest, giving some interesting background history or telling a story from his life and the events that had occurred there. We talked about life in Amsterdam. We talked about the red light district and the “special” cafes nestled on nearly every street corner. We also talked about life as a modern day giant and the associated attention it draws. Being 7’1, everywhere you go people point and stare. Sebastian is good-natured about it and now likes how it has become a conversation starter, a way to break the ice when meeting people. Although it has some drawbacks, being tall is pretty awesome.

Check out Sebastian and the sights and sounds of Amsterdam in Episode 3 of our Live Tall Series.